
boy wonder


boy wonder is helped immensely by having low expectations.  you should not take that to mean that i thought it was bad.  in fact, i thought just about everything about it was quite reasonable, and the overall package is outright pleasing.

the main thing i want to complain about is the heavy reuse of this screechy background sound in some of the outdoor scenes.  it was just enough in the background that i could not quite tell whether it was background in the movie or something happening outside my window.  this lead to a comedic series of pause/unpause events where i attempted to determine where the sound was coming from, just in case there was a fire and i needed to evacuate the building or something.  some people say you do not *really* need to evacuate unless you can smell smoke, but i am more of an exit-in-an-orderly-manner-long-before-it-is-emergency-time kind of guy.

by the way, hot tip: if you are a vigilante, maybe consider not hanging around the police station too much.  you know who is at the police station?  the police.  idiot.  i am not holding it against the movie because the character in question was only 16 or so, which makes this mistake more realistic than stupid.  i am only calling it out in case there are any vigilantes reading this review who have not figured that one out yet.  schmolli has your back.

boy wonder gets four obscure poison/chemicals.

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