


what do i want to say about rollerball.  not a whole lot.

rollerball gets one number tattooed on its face.

escape plan


the ideal 80s action movie is a three-star movie.  there is a kind of juxtaposition of three-star quality and perfection when it comes to hitting that mark exactly on the head.  it really calls your whole worldview into question when you ask yourself whether you should give a movie three stars because it is a three star movie, or if you should give it five stars because it is a three-star movie that is a three star movie.  this is why i do not give out stars when i do movie ratings.

escape plan is another non-80s 80s movie that is made up of many of the cliches you know and love.  key guy in criminal organization is secretly head of the organization.  uncrackable prison is actually crackable.  hero has devoted life to making prisons safe because an unsafe prison killed his family.  prisoners overcome diversity by banding together against the man.  you can make a sextant out of an ink pen, spectacles, and stiff paper.  friends are enemies and enemies are friends.  sadistic prison guard is sadistic.  war is freedom and freedom is justice.  it is all there.

escape plan gets three five-star ratings.