


borat = michael moore + bigotry

most comedies do not leave me with such an intellectual deficit. fluff pieces like "out cold" or "dodgeball" come wrapped in enough ridiculousness that it is impossible to do anything other than to leave your brain in neutral for the duration. the contrived nature of borat, however, had the effect of repeatedly popping the clutch and then slamming on the brakes. the end result was an alternation of forced laughter and an almost tearful horror at the realization that i could find any enjoyment to the film at all.

one thing i will say is that this movie is very powerful. powerful in the sense that it forces me to stop and reexamine my opinions on the viability of the human race as a whole, and on my reasons for bothering to get out of bed in the morning.

see you guys monday...maybe.


snakes on a plane

this film is a very clear indicator of hollywood's opinion of the movie-going population. let me just add that this opinion does not include anything positive.


the girl in the cafe


this film had the opportunity to be great, like "before sunrise". they unfortunately blew a bunch of little things, thus sinking it to mediocrity.




i would agree that fox does a great job of playing ray charles, but i disagree that this makes it a good movie.




i am not even sure what to say about this horrible pile of crap. even as just an action flick -- explosions, guns, fast cars, maybe a little gratuitous booty -- it was bad. and not in a good way.

your time would be better spent by shooting heroin directly into your aqueous humor and it would have about the same effect.

please. if you keep putting money towards these films, hollywood will keep making them.