
jurassic world


jurassic world stayed true to the original jurassic park in the sense of getting everything wrong.  these people seriously need to hire some SREs.  who goes into the killer dinosaur paddock before determining where the killer dinosaur is?  has no one ever seen any of the fifty million prison movies where somebody fake escapes in order to escape for real? why was there not a crush test on the unbreakable spheres that go out amongst the multi-ton aminals? since when is language genetic?  AND WHERE ARE THE FEATHERS???

i have been told repeatedly that everybody knows that birds are dinosaurs.  not just descended from dinosaurs, but actual dinosaurs.  in some households--such as mine--suggesting that perhaps MOST people are not up to date on the state of the art in paleontology and MIGHT not know about this is an act of treason.  other things that rank as unpopular include suggesting that "birds are dinosaurs" is a nitpick not worth arguing about and that time might perhaps be better spent on such essentials as washing the dishes or doing the laundry.

but anyway.  jurassic world's value is as a spectacle, and if you are careful not to expect anything more from it, especially classiness, then you will only be mildly disappointed.

jurassic world gets one agonized eye roll as the giant water-based dinosaur deus ex machinas the killer dinosaur, which allows the t-rex to resume its position as king of the mountain.

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