
super hybrid


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.  stop whatever you are doing and go watch this movie.  go now.  the rest of the review will still be here when you get done.


there.  did you learn something?  peter lynch phrased it as "never take a hot tip on a stock."

super hybrid is just about completely pointless.  the hook is the only interesting thing about it.  all the rest is so completely formulaic that there is no doubt at any point what is going to happen.  on second thought, that is not quite true; i was not sure whether at the end we were going to see more of the monsters or if they were going to zoom into a dark corner of the garage, where we would see that the thing had laid eggs.  i actually zoned out for the middle 60 minutes or so, and when i woke back up, all the characters that i expected to be dead were dead and it turned out that i was just in time for the mandatory bit of trickery on the part of the monster, followed by the big win.

super hybrid gets one burmese tiger.

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