
ong bak 2: the beginning


other than tony jaa and lots of fighting, ong bak 2 had nothing to do with ong bak 1. or with the other ong bak 2 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427954/). the plot was completely nonsensical, even by action movie standards. hell, the plot was nonsensical by *porno movie* standards. i think they were going for some kind of revenge thing? but instead of revenge, he got captured and tortured to death? and the guy who raised him and taught him all his fighting skillz turned out to hate him, except not really? and the girl from the dance skool who was as hung up on him as he was on her? i guess he was too busy not getting revenge to go sweep her off her feet. not that he would have had much luck with that because, hey, dancer.

ong bak 2 gets two stars for the extensive fight choreography, but understand that this is two stars mostly because of the sheer amount of effort they put into it, not because it was *good* fight choreography. kind of like how when the guy behind the counter gives you your change and you say "thank you," even though if he tried to keep the change you would probably deliver a flying knee into his face.

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