
the informant


i thought this was kind of a boring corporate espionage film until about halfway through, when i suddenly realized it was a remake of the talented mr ripley, just with less blood on screen. at that point, i became riveted to my seat in horror because i was pretty sure matt damon was going to snap and start killing people again.

it was really irresponsible of hollywood to put in him in this kind of psycho killing-people situation again, especially after he learned all those special killing-people skills in the bourne movies. i think there is a strong possibility that this time the violence could spread past the big screen. who would save us then? rambo? he's old. ditto for arnie and jackie chan. if gerard butler and christian bale teamed up, they might hold him back for a few milliseconds. but really, there would be no one who would stand a chance...except, perhaps, river tam.

the informant gets two bits of information.  a bit is the atomic unit of information.

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