


netflix tricked me into watching this crap by describing it as a story that involved time travel. except that the time travel did not really end up being that relevant. it was really more of an eye-rollingly bad spy movie. other things that were eye-rollingly bad included the acting, sets, writing, direction, and sound.

when i was a kid, my friends and i would make home movies that featured a budget of zero, starring us and the cows (cows work for free!), filmed on a previously-used vhs tape. the writing process generally consisted of us arguing about what the next scene would be before filming it. there were no second takes, and the editing process consisted of us watching the whole thing from the beginning after we were done. 

you kids with your digital recordings and multiple tracks and the luxury of multiple days (or weeks!) to complete filming. you should be able to do better than something on par with "rambill" or "indiana dan." you have actual camera people, fer chrissakes! in my day, we never had more than two actors on screen because somebody always had to work the camera. and if we did a switch in the middle of a scene, you would see the camera jiggling as the handover happened.

stasis gets one reused vhs tape. free tip: record static over the top of whatever was there before in order to avoid an awkward splice when your camera does not start recording at exactly the same spot it stopped at after the previous scene.

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