
inside llewyn davis


well, i dunno.  do you like folk music?  i run hot and cold, myself, but i think this movie for the most part showed the entertaining bits of the folk scene.  (parts they did not show included things like late-night, pot-fueled introspections and the smell of dirty hippies.)  it also really really makes me want to suggest that you see walk the line (same movie, except about johnny cash) instead.

inside llewyn davis depicts a guy who just cannot manage to not be an asshole.  because he is an asshole, things keep happening to him for which there is little response but to keep being an asshole.  this concept has been explored to death already (cf. my life,) and i think that unless you are going to do something novel with the concept--such as provide a solution which is accessible to most people--it is not worth further discussion.  especially if that discussion involves glorifying hippies in some way.

inside llewyn davis gets two moonshoots.

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