
skin trade


skin trade is a huge pile of shit.  just in case you get curious about what might be in the pile and be tempted to watch it, let me tell you what is in the pile.  we have ron perlman playing a serbian mobster.  or russian?  no idea, and believe me when i tell you it does not matter.  we have dolph lundgren, trying to make a comeback, and more or less performing at the same level he did when he was making 80s movies, which was just a notch above "turd sandwich".  we have michael jai white, playing a completely predictable good-guy-gone-ambiguously-bad, which is essentially the role he always plays.  let me tell you, that dude needs to make more stuff like blood and bone and less stuff where he "acts."  and finally, there is tony jaa, who cannot seem to find a good role to play post-protector.  i has a sad.  so really the only good thing about skin trade was the skin, and it is hard to feel good about it when the skin in question has been kidnapped, enslaved, and shipped thousands of miles from its home.

skin trade gets one gratuitous south park reference.

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