
the forger


the forger is a movie where peeta attempts to cash in on his association with the hunger games movie.  i have heard that every actor has to do some really bad movies before they can move on to doing good movies.  i figure that is probably true, so i am going to go easy on him.  for example, i will refrain from complaining about the poor dialogue, pacing, plot, acting, timing, and chemistry.  i will also not make too big of a deal out of the number of holes i put in the wall with my head while trying to beat myself unconscious as this lumbering beast of a movie plodded its way towards its improbable and inevitable conclusion.

also, pro tip: if you are going to make a forgery and you want it to stand up to testing by the anti-forgery police, try running the tests yourself ahead of time.  also consider not making the anti-forgery testing part of your auction process.

the forger gets one forgery.

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