
the number 23

the number 23 would have been a lot creepier if i did not already have the habit of playing stupid number games in my head. it is not really that hard to turn a string of numbers into another number, usually. and it is way easier if you have a modicum of control over which numbers get to be in your string and in what order. and if you allow splicing, then it is easier still. so there was nothing scary about the number 23. 

with that said, it was not a terrible movie. i was pleasantly surprised to find jim carey doing well in a serious role, and the plot was entertaining enough to justify the time expenditure.

the number 23 gets three top secrets. three is twice three halves, three halves is basically 32, which is 23 reversed, for a grand total of 46. er, 64? then 64 is 2^6, which is 26. and 26 is of course 3 more than 23. scary, right? right?

hello? is this thing on?

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