sicario means hitman, in case you were wondering. what i am wondering is if knowing that before i watched the movie would have made me like it less. i appreciated the triple reveal at the climax, and i think it would have been a lot more obvious what was going on with that key piece of information.
so anyway. i like most of the moving parts here--the acting and story were nice, and the camera work and visualizations did a great job of setting tone. what i really want to object to is the portrayal of mexico as a bullet-ridden hellhole spilling over its borders. i felt like i must be watching an nra ad or something. i cannot decide whether they showed usia as a place which was just as violent because they wanted to show those means as necessary, or if it was intended as a comparison--the good guys are just as bad as the bad guys. i like to believe that the comparison was intended because then the ending makes sense.
sicario gets three grotesque mutilations.
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