i will watch almost anything with chris evans in it. i first saw him as jake wyler in not another teen movie, which was a great movie until i told my parents about it and they watched it. i also like him in push, but that might have been because of my complete lack of expectations for the film, coupled with my love of superpowers. he is just as watchable in captain america, a film which really has nothing going for it other than chris evans. i figured that would be the case, but i watched it anyway because i saw that captain america is supposed to be in the avengers movie and i know pretty much nothing about captain america.
here is what i learned: captain america is big and strong and has an interesting (not cool or exciting, just interesting) shield. something about absorbing vibrations? not sure i understood that. bullets hitting it still seemed to cause it to make sound, and energy bolts thrown at it made him go flying. also? if you were trying to shoot captain america, and you saw that he had a shield, why would you keep aiming at the shield? go for the legs, for chrissakes. also also? if you have awesome rifle things that disintegrate the guys you are shooting at, maybe think about passing those out to your faceless minions instead of giving them regular rifles.