
two lovers


for those who were wondering, two lovers was pretty bad. there were three kinds of characters: plastic, unlikable, and one-dimensional. the plot's dramatic unveiling was not all that dramatic and did not carry any real surprises. i came close to being pissed off that the protagonist crumbled beneath his shortcomings instead of rising above them; this would have been less of an issue for me if he had not been unconditionally rewarded for being such a douche.

they might be setting up for the sequel, zero lovers, where the douchebag's wife finds out about what went on in the first movie and goes postal. i could see that as having some real promise; perhaps she could replace her arm with a series of weapons, such as chainsaws and machine guns, that could be used to fight the ninja badasses protecting whatshisface from her wrath. at the climax of the film, she could battle the douchebag, who would be armed with some kind of flying guillotine weapon. we could make this movie ourselves, right here on campus, possibly with our cellphones, operating in video-recorder mode.